Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Honduras or Bust

Short-Term Experiences, Long-Term Impact.
Dear Friends and Family,
I want to thank you all so much for the overwhelming support and prayers. Niah and I are very excited to follow God’s leading in this mission trip to Honduras. In case you don’t know, our dear friends Joe, Cortney, Carolina, and Alistair Cash were recently sent out by Life Point and Samaritans Purse to serve as missionaries at Hospital Loma de Luz. You can learn more about where they are serving by visiting
Our trip will be one week long, from August 12th - 19th, 2015. I am excited for God to take me out of my comfort zone and to a place I never imagined I would be going, much less with my daughter! We will be staying at the hospital, where we will also be serving in whatever capacities needed. We will also directly be helping the Cashes, who are near and dear to our hearts as close friends and our own sent out missionaries. It will be an incredible blessing to work alongside them!
I am sending this letter to ask for your support. I would love to have a team of people praying for my trip immediately. Specifically, if you can be praying for the following: good health for me this year and especially in August; that I may be able to quickly begin learning the culture and language in preparation of going; for Niah and the team that will be traveling with me; for the Cash family and the people of Honduras; and that once again, that finances will be taken care of.
The hardest part about saying “Yes” to God and committing to this trip is not the time away from the rest of my family, it’s not the long plane ride, or any immunizations I’ll need. It’s not dealing with foreign bugs and critters (as much as I hate spiders!), nor being in a completely different culture with a completely different language with people I don’t know. I’m not even too worried about the cuisine. No, the hardest part is reaching out to my friends and family once again to ask for financial support. The trip (airfare, lodging, food, transportation, and immunizations) is going to cost about $2,600 for both Niah and me to go. Nearly $1,300 has already been paid, leaving a remaining $1,300 owed. Please do not feel obligated to give financially. However, if you feel compelled to give and want to contribute to the work God is doing in Honduras, then please consider supporting me financially. We have been blessed time and time again by supporters and we pray that in turn, God has blessed them more abundantly! If you belong to a church family that is looking for a missionary to support, please share this letter with them, too! All contributions may be sent to 516Missions by cash or check (write Honduras-Woodring in the memo line) sent to P.O. Box 299, Monticello, AR 71657, or you can go online to and donate directly toward our trip there (be sure to add that it is for Kristine or Niah Woodring under “special instructions”). If you want to learn more about 516Missions and our trip, you may visit  Thank you so much for your prayerful consideration. I cannot wait to share our experience with you!

Lots of Love,

Kristine & Niah Woodring