Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hello out there!

I was inspired by a friend of mine (Ashley) to start blogging. As I'm sure you all know, we do have a family website but I thought this might be a refreshing way to keep tabs on our family.

So to get started... Just over a week ago, Jonathan and I joined the Faith Bible Institue course at our church. I must say I was worried that I would be bored and looking at my watch through the 3 hour class. However, I have really enjoyed all that I have been learning. The teacher on the video is quite interesting and he covers so much ground that I don't have time to be bored. The homework is a lot of work but I'm enjoying it. I think Jonathan is a little bored though... Since he just graduated from Seminary this past May, it has all been review to him. He is mainly taking the course to spend time with me (I think) and to keep the information fresh on his mind. Either way, I really appreciate him supporting my interest in taking this class.

Tomorrow (Wednesday), starts Awana at our church. We are teaching the teens and will have our own schedule. I am really excited to see how God is going to use this time with the teens!

On Thursday, our Ladies Auxillary will start meeting for dinner once a month, we are going over the book "Bad Girls of the Bible" by Liz Curtis Higgs. If you have never read this book, I HIGHLY recommend it. I am very excited to see what the other ladies of our church think about this book!

And Saturday, I must say I'm really excited about this... We are going to see the Noah Musical in Branson with some members of our church! I can't wait, if you haven't heard anything about it, it has live animals! How neat is that?

For those of you that are only reading this blog to keep up on Niah... She isn't a baby anymore! She is a toddler by all means! Walking, running, and talking. Yesterday, I grabbed her up and was telling her I love her. She desperatley wanted down so she could keep playing so she said to me (in her babyish talk- it almost sounded like gibberish), "I know you love me." She then thrusted her whole upper body towards the floor so I would put her down!
Niah is showing a major interest in music (she has been for quite a while), any time she hears music she stops what she is doing and either starts dancing or tapping her foot. I must say she has quite a nack for rythm.

Anyway, I know this has turned into a novel. More to come later (and definetly more on Niah)! So keep checking back!


Jonathan said...

Love the layout, hun, it fits you! Plus, it's fun reading what you've been up to (even though I usually already know). You did a great job on your first of (hopefully) many blogs! Shoulda done ages ago!

Love ya, Mavourneen

Ashley Lowe Photography said...

I'm glad you've join the world of blogging!! It's fun to see what is going on with everyone and to sort of keep up with friends this way. Also, I have read the book "Bad girls of the Bible" and loved it! Sounds like you have a full plate but it sounds like you're truly enjoying what the Lord has blessed you with.