Saturday, January 18, 2014

Behavioral Chart

Yesterday was one of those days that as a mom I wanted to punch the clock and go home. Do you get me? My kids weren't listening, they were being disrespectful in that I had to repeat and repeat myself. It was infuriating. I felt as though it didn't matter how calmly and nicely I asked them to do something, they just didn't do it. Even after a heart to heart my kids just weren't listening. After I put them to bed last and after I'd had a chance to let go of the things that happened yesterday, that made me want to take a leave of absence, I was able to brainstorm some ideas that I hope will make a big difference in the future. I wanted to share them with my friends on this blog, partly so that you can use these ideas if you choose and partly because I want accountability. So feel free to ask me, how is that going?

Here it is: A visual behavioral chart. I saw a few on Pinterest last night that made the clogs in my head start turning. I added to them to help fit our family. So let me explain it to you. The premise is the Green, Yellow, Red light system that many classrooms use. Both of my older two are familiar with this concept but I wanted to take it a little further. So take a look at this picture and then I'll explain my thoughts behind it.

Please excuse the odd angle I had to take these pictures at, I hung this in a small hall between our kitchen and living room. 

The green lights say: 
Get a privilege!!! - read 1 John 5:3-4 
Awesome!! - read Gal. 6:9 
Good job! - read 2 John 4

The yellow lights say: 
Oops - read Eph. 5:15
Warning - read Rom. 12:9
5 minute timeout - read 1 Cor. 10:13

The red lights say: 
10 minute timeout - read Eph. 6:1-3
Lose a privilege - read Col. 3:20
Go to bed early - read Romans 13:1

Daddy J asked why I don't have red at the top like an actual stoplight. I choose to have green on the top so that the kids can visually move up. I also choose to add in the scriptures. I didn't see any behavior charts that included anything from God's word. If I am going to discipline or encourage my children I want them hear what God has to say about it, so that these are not just a current in the moment this is what is happening but that these lessons span time. I want them to remember these verses when they are teenagers and young adults making life decisions. I encourage you to read this verses and if you choose to make your own you can change the verses to meet your family needs. The reason I choose those certain verses for the red light is that my children typically get in trouble for fighting with authority and breaking the rules that we have set as parents so I wanted to remind them that God puts us as their parents in charge. If at any time the kids decide they want to start acting better they can start moving back up the chart. Even if they have already lost a privilege or are going to bed (they will still have that consequence!) but they can still work their way back up to the green lights. They won't have to sit in time outs again as they have already received that punishment but it will get them one step closer to the green lights. 

I will also say that I saw many behavior charts on Pinterest that did not include anything positive. Children need positive reinforcement. I know as an adult I do too. When I worked outside the home positive reinforcement drove me to work hard for my bosses and for God. And working in my home now, it drives me to make Daddy J, Big sis, brother, and baby happy but most of all I want to please my Father.

Basic instructions: 
Red, yellow, green construction cut to fit your needs
Write what you choose
Lamentate if possible
Use clothes pins with names to show progress/regress 

What would you do differently or what different verses would you use? Please leave a comment!

1 comment:

Ari said...

I wanted to thank you for posting this! I am looking forward to doing this in our home. Wondering how you implement the scriptures? Do you read them every time you move the clothes pin or at the end of the day...?