Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cloth Diapering on the Road

Tomorrow, we will be- wait for it---- Cloth diapering on the road! Eek! I've got to say, I'm a little nervous. We will be leaving the house about 8:30 AM and won't return until around 11:00 PM. Long day. Luckily, some more pocket diapers that I had ordered came in today! Yeah! I love fluffy mail!

I was planning on disposables for tomorrow but because they came I am going to attempt this. Am I crazy?!? I hope not. At least I won't be using the prefolds tomorrow. Josiah has started acting like Hammy (the squirrel on Over the Hedge) during diaper changes, he just will not lay still. So I think prefolds on the road would just be asking for it.

Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it goes!


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