Wednesday, March 23, 2011

We Survived.

So my trip ended up being a little longer than I originally thought. Jon and I had a bit of a miscommunication. I thought we were driving back from WV on Sunday night but apparently the church had arranged for us to stay at a hotel, my hubby forgot to fill me in... Honestly, it was a nice surprise! Though it did mean that I would have to pack two days worth of cloth diapers (and use them). I was a little nervous, okay a lot nervous. Nervous that we would have an explosion of some sort away from home. We did. But. We survived.

Luckily, the explosion happened at the hotel, not in the car and not at church. It was everywhere. Josiah even had to have a bath after the change. I thought ahead and brought some plastic bags from a grocery store, one for wets and one for poops. That worked out quite well, especially since everything he was wearing Sunday night ended up in the poop bag. And when I got home Monday night, all the diapers got washed. And WE SURVIVED! Can you tell I'm relieved? Now I think I will have a lot more confidence when it comes to traveling with cloth in the future. I hope. 

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